Imagine yourself for a moment standing at the entrance to an undiscovered land mass. As you look upon the dense jungle before you, every muscle of your body tingles with excitement. The tall trees and lush vegetation makes it impossible to see beyond the borders yet your senses are delighted with many things that cannot be contained within boundaries.
From where you are standing you can distinguish the tinkling of a small brook, or maybe the spring from which begins a mighty river. Also audible is a chorus of beautiful notes, some high and delicate, others deep and full, coming, no doubt from the breasts of birds, but such birds as human eyes could not have seen, for exquisite music as this, was till this time unknown. A gentle breeze brushes over your face, rustling the leaves of the guarding trees and fills your nostrils with the rich and pleasant aroma of what must be a species of flowers yet undiscovered to mankind, for their fragrance is like none other in its excellence.
You reach out to part the leaves and feel that they are of a different texture then you are used to, not unpleasant but unique. Suddenly a noise not expected from such a lovely place terrifies your senses. “What could that be?” you wonder. Something horrible and hideous. The blood freezes for a moment in your veins. Should you go on? Or should you run as fast and far as you are able?
The blue sky overhead is promising of success. The soft sun gently resting on the land, the sweet birds, and lovely flowers; the tinkling brook and gentle breeze all appeal to the idea of moving forward into the land of wonder. And yet for that frightful sound, you would have long since entered.
At this very moment of contemplation, a man walks out from the garden. He is a native no doubt. His body is erect and firm. His expression and demeanor speak of strength and valor, yet of kindness and friendship. A smile touches his lips as he notices you standing there. Walking to your side He speaks in words that you are surprised to discover you understand.
“Would you like to see the garden?” His voice is sweet and musical like none you have ever heard before. You stand quietly in hopes that he continues.
“I know it very well. It is more beautiful on the inside then it is here.” His pleasant disposition cannot be hidden. Even in these few moments, he seems like a friend you could have for life.
The young native continues speaking, “There are many things to be seen and discovered once inside, yet there is a danger,” a heavy sigh escapes his lips, concern is traced across his brow “a ferocious beast lives on this side of the garden. He has been seeking to leave the treasures of this land undiscovered by terrifying or harming all who seek to enter. But this beast can do you no harm as long as I am your guide and you stay close to me.”
The land yet undiscovered is your Bible dear reader. It holds many precious gems and treasures yet unknown. The terrible beast that lives outside is Satan who does not want you to enter the Bible and is determined to do all in his power to keep you from its treasures. The young native is the Holy Spirit who is eager to be your guide. Will you take the invitation given by the young native? Take it each time you seek to enter that paradise. Take it by praying and asking God to send the Holy Spirit to be your guide. Take that gracious invitation many times each day. You will never regret that you did.
Great story awesome parable Holy Spirit come down and overwhelm us